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Hello!这里是邵阳市第一中学信息技术社团,于 2024 年 1 月 6 日由邵阳市第一中学在校学生创立,旨在宣传计算机技术和聚集志同道合的人互相交流、切磋,解决问题、传授知识,在一个其乐融融的氛围中提升自己的技术能力并扩宽自身的眼界。

Hello! Founded on January 6, 2024 by students of Shaoyang No. 1 Middle School, the Information Technology Club of Shaoyang No. 1 Middle School aims to promote computer technology and gather like-minded people to communicate with each other, learn from each other, solve problems, impart knowledge, improve their technical skills and broaden their horizons in a happy atmosphere.

社交媒体(Social media)


If you'd like to learn more about us, you can do so in the following ways, and we'll post our insights on information technology and other things in the work accounts below.



If you have questions about our community, please contact us using the following methods.


您好!我们的工作人员大部分为在校学生,您向我们发送的邮件或者文字信息可能无法及时收到回复。对于您向我们发送的邮件或者文字信息,我们会尽量在 48 小时内受理,感谢您的理解。 Hello! Most of our staff are current students, and you may not receive a response to your email or text message to us in a timely manner. We will try our best to accept the email or text message you send to us within 48 hours, thank you for your understanding.


如果您想与我们共同探讨有关信息技术方面的问题、交流前沿科技或者进行学术交流,请您使用 QQ 添加我们的社群:827566599

If you want to discuss issues related to information technology, exchange cutting-edge technologies or have academic exchanges with us, please use QQ to add to our community:827566599


入群后,请向我们描述您的来意,并遵守群聊相关规定,感谢!(After joining the group, please describe your intention to us and abide by the relevant rules of the group chat, thank you!)